Smooth Move

Moving to a new place is a very exciting step that we take in our lives. It gives us the opportunity to start fresh and build up from the bottom. However, along with the elation of the move comes the stress and commotion of having to carry out the actual moving process. We have come up with five ways to make your moving process a little bit more fun and a lot smoother.

  1. Don’t Overthink

When moving we tend to overthink how we want to do things. While packing your things, look for ways that can make your packing more simple. Here are just a couple examples of packing the easy way: if you have clothes on hangers you can leave them on the hangers. The same goes for if you already have clothes in dresser drawers leave them in the drawer and wrap the dresser.

  1. Use Apps

Organizing can be tricky and remembering what is in each box can be even trickier. Try using a moving organization app such as Moving Van, Things 2, My Move, or iMoving. These apps can either help you to remember what is in each box or can help you generate moving to-do lists.

  1. Keep Moving!

Creating a packing and unpacking playlist will help make your move a lot more fun! For your packing playlist, pick songs that are upbeat to help you stay motivated throughout the packing process. For your unpacking playlist you can create something a little bit more relaxing as you unpack and organize.


  1. Make an “Important Box”

One of your boxes should be designated to put important items in such as important documents, medication, outfits for a couple of days, toiletries etc. These are items that you will need immediately upon moving into your new place. By having them in a designated box you will avoid the hassle of searching for these items in all your other boxes.


  1. Get a Babysitter or Pet Sitter

Having children that are old enough to help can be a great benefit to a move, but if you have younger children they can sometimes add to the stress. The same goes for your pets. Consider getting a babysitter or pet sitter during your move to alleviate some of the moving chaos.

Don’t let the stress of moving ruin this exciting time in your life. By following these five simple tips you are sure to have a successful and more organized beginning to your new life.