
Smart Home vs Smart Device

In 2016, there were over 80 million smart devices installed into U.S. homes. To say that smart homes is a growing trend is an understatement. However, time and time again, customers are entering this new space called a “Smart Home” only to realize that what they thought was smart isn’t as smart as they thought.


In the smart home space, there are there 3 types of services you will find. There are pluses and minuses of each. As a consumer, you should educate yourself and learn the differences of each: Free Smart Home Platforms, Smart Device Platforms, and Paid Smart Home Platforms.


Free Smart Home Platforms-

There are a handful of free smart home platforms that have come and gone. The idea of free sounds pretty cool and sexy to many consumers, so these platforms have gained excitement and traction quick. However, many consumers are disappointed to find out that shortly after investing hundreds, if not thousands on hardware and devices to install along with their free smart home platform, that their platform doesn’t exist anymore. What would cause this?


Well, there are a lot of underlying costs with running a smart home platform including development, maintenance, customer support, tech support, server storage of customer information and data. This means that investor money is funding this “free” platform and once the money runs out, your platform becomes obsolete.


Smart Device Platforms-

Many people will go out and buy a smart device such as a Nest Thermostat or Hue Lights. These products are cool, fun, sexy. However, usually customers soon realize they want their products to do more. Like having devices communicate with each other or set rules where when one does one thing, another device will trigger. Or, consumers get tired of having to click in and out of multiple apps just to manage their home.


For many consumers buying one or two devices is a fun way to start the process of making their home smart. However, before you can fully automat your home, you will need to learn more about what is compatible with each other and what is not.


Paid Smart Home Platforms-

Currently, being able to have a paid smart home platform such as Cransten Smart Home is the best way to make your home smart. Having a paid platform means that the platform you are investing in will be around in 5-10 years. It also allows you to have one app and one place to go to manage and see what is going on with your home.

This means that you won’t have to replace all the devices you bought for a soon to be obsolete platform. This is cost savings and time savings all rolled into one app. You will be able to experience the full grasp of what a smart home is all about as all your devices will sync well and communicate together. You can set up rules so that when you come home, your security system automatically disarms, your door unlocks, your lights turn on, and your thermostat automatically adjusts.


Again, as a consumer, you will need to pick whatever type of smart solution works for you. But if you are interested in a paid smart home platform, please contact us and we can find a plan that works perfect for you.