

Cransten Handyman and Remodeling

Are your walls showing signs of wear and tear?

Over time, paint may get stained or damaged and need to be touched up. There are so many things that can cause your walls to suffer surface damage; holes from hanging pictures, scratches and knicks from furniture, scruffs in high traffic areas, or even how much the sun hits the wall. The quickest and easiest solution is to give the wall a touch-up. We have the skill and expertise to deliver beautiful results whether you need to touch up a wall or repaint your entire home interior.

Our Painting Touch-Up Services Include:

When you’re ready to give your home a face-lift, Cransten Handyman and Remodeling is here for you. Let us help you make your space look like new!

Tell us about your project!

Contact us to get started on your painting project today!

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