
Tips for Moving

Take Notes For Your Move Contact Information

Make sure to note the name of your shipping company, contact information, shipment registration number, and van foreman. That way if you need to contact or communicate with them about questions you can have the information available.

Pack For Your First Night’s Sleep

Make sure when you pack that you put your bed sheets and bedding in an easily accessible place so that you can sleep you’re your own bed the first night you are in your new home.

Don’t Forget About the Fridge

Remember to not just empty your fridge, but to clean it out thoroughly before moving. Also, put a handful of lemons or baking soda in a sock or nylon stocking and place it inside to keep the interior smelling fresh.

Pack Heavy-Pack Light-Overall Tips

Pack heavy items in small boxes and lighter items in large boxes. This will make it easier when you need to carry and move boxes around.

Give Out Your Phone Number

Make sure to give your van foreman your phone number so he can contact you. Also, give him an alternate phone number for you or another family member just in case.

Protect Your Memories

If it’s irreplaceable, take it with you in the car (just in case). But if you decide to pack framed photos or art, place sheets or blankets between them for protection.

Know How to Pack Plates and Records

Plates and record albums should be packed on end vertically, rather than stacked.

Remember the Essentials

Toilet paper, telephone, toiletries, snacks, soap, flashlight, screwdriver, pliers, can opener, paper plates, cups, utensils, pans, paper towels, and some basic cleaning supplies are some of the things you will likely need upon arriving at your new home. Pack a box and label it essentials. Let your van foreman know so he can pack it last so you have it available upon arrival.

Remove Bulbs

Remove light bulbs before packing your lamps.

Have a Garage Sale

Moving is a great time to get rid of many old items. Make sure you separate your garage sale items from your own items so there is no confusion. Make sure to tag your items for sale and be ready to wheel and deal. Garage sale goers love to haggle.

Have the Kids Help

Have the kids write their names and what is inside of the boxes of their things. This will help them stay engaged and it will also help move things forward quicker for everyone.

Help Your Pet Relax

Try to have your pet stay at a friend’s home or somewhere else while packing your van. This will make things much easier for you and them while you are packing. 

Be Nice to Your Plants

When moving plants to your new residence, try not to let foliage rest against windows as the leaves will scorch.

Take a Break from the Computer

Upon arrival at your new home, let your computer “acclimatize” itself to room temperature before plugging it in. You don’t want to overwork your computer. Plus you deserve a little break from your computer after all the work of moving.

Enjoy the Help

Leave the rest up to the professionals. Sit back and relax, let them do the heavy work and lifting while you look forward to the new opportunities, friends, and experiences that come along with your new move!